Love opens the door between this life and the Afterlife.

If you’ve found this page your angels have led you here as this is only accessible by clicking on the clouds!

I believe that your Angels are your loved ones whom have crossed over. You are their progeny.  And no one loves you like your family!  Those family ancestors whom you have never met in this life, know and love you and yours.   I know that was inspired by Angels prompting us to know them!   They want you to know that there is no death and you are never alone.  It’s like AT&T on the Other Side -  busy, noisy, hectic and very much ALIVE!  There is nothing but love and all is forgiven.  It truly is heaven!

So, if you have a loved one in the Afterlife that you would like to connect with, talk to them.  It may sound strange, but talking to them in the present tense validates them and enhances their energy to come to you.  They communicate by mental telepathy and can HEAR your thoughts.  It is even better for the frequency if you talk out loud to them.  Try it!  Ask for a sign that your words are being heard.  You will get a response. They will either come to you in a dream or you will strongly smell or FEEL them around you.  They also like to affect electrical items around us to get our attention lol!

They like to accompany us on our car rides.  Often you are in your highest state of connection to Spirit Energy while you are driving your vehicle.   (So stay off the cell phone and LISTEN).   You may also smell their scent i.e. their favorite cologne or perfume,  or cigar or cigarette smoke.  Be attuned to the subtle and don’t expect the big tap on the shoulder.  After all, they have ethereal bodies now –  so no human density. Don’t discount the scents or cents they send your way!  I always know when my grandfather is around because I’ll smell the cherry tobacco that he used to put in his pipe.

LAST UPDATED:  03-25-23